The Society of Limnology (SIL) meeting will be held in Berlin in August 2022 on the theme ‘Cross-boundary interactions: propagation of stressors from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems‘
The close connection between aquatic ecosystems and adjacent terrestrial land has been a long-standing paradigm of limnological research. Existing concepts, however, mainly focus on the terrestrial input into freshwater ecosystems and the consequences for aquatic life. The flux of resources and pollutants from aquatic to terrestrial systems has been less studied. Recently intensified research revealed that material fluxes mediated, eg, by emerging insects and hydrological connectivity, are of high ecological relevance, particularly for the receiving ecosystem including ecosystem services. In addition, these fluxes are increasingly affected by anthropogenic and climatic stressors, such as micropollutants, toxic cyanobacterial blooms, invasive species, and hydrological alterations.
The SIL meeting invites contributions from all aspects of resource and stressor transfer from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. Contributions that assess the vulnerability of terrestrial systems to alterations of these fluxes by stressors acting on inland waters are also invited.
Registration and further information can be found at: