Online lecture on “Carbon Dynamics in Running Waters: From Water-Air Interface to Sediments”

The Quantitative Landscape Ecology Group and the Graduate School SystemLink from the University of Koblenz-Landau would like to invite you to an online lecture by Dr. Pascal Bodmer on 9 November 2020.

The lecture is titled “Carbon Dynamics in Running Waters: From Water-Air Interface to Sediments” and will commence at 16:00 UTC+1 (Berlin TMZ).


In order to register for the upcoming lecture, potential participants have to provide the information as outlined below, and send it to for evaluation. If your registration is approved, then you will be provided with the access link for the Zoom meeting.

Required information:

  1. Your full name
  2. Current affiliation and occupation
  3. Residence (e.g., Landau, Germany)
  4. Topic of your current research (1 sentence)
  5. Motivation why you want to participate (3-5 sentences)

Please adhere to the format and we hope to see you in the upcoming lecture.