Author Archives: Ve

BSc and MSc theses in the team “Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology”

Interested in pesticide-induced effects in autotrophic food webs in streams? The team “Functional Aquatic Ecotoxicology” offers theses dealing with pesticide impacts on biofilm-grazer systems.

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Several positions (PhD, Postdoc, Technician) at UFZ Leipzig

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig offers several positions within the project CHEMO-RISK, dealing with chemometers as novel tools for risk assessment of pollutant mixtures.

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42 days set-up, 42 days mesocosm study

Large-scale experiments give us a more realistic idea of pesticide toxicity than single-species tests. Mesocosm studies for example simulate natural ecosystems and can include several trophic levels, which help us to detect both direct and indirect pesticide effects. However, large scale means large workload. In the scope of my master thesis I set up and performed a mesocosm experiment at the National Wildlife Research Center in Ottawa, Canada. Follow me through my 10 steps of set-up.

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What’s up with Queich water quality?

Landau and its small river the Queich just belong together. Concerned about the river’s water quality, the masters students of Ecotoxicology investigated the influence of wastewater treatment sewage inlets within the scope of the optional module “Water Analysis Lab Course”.

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AMEO #5: Rain forest adventures

For the “Applied Module at External Organizations” (AMEO) the 2nd semester Ecotox students complete an eight-week internship, either performed at an external university, governmental or industrial research institute to apply the competences achieved during their study. Several students used this opportunity to explore new places in Germany, others went out into the big, wide world. This time, Daniel Campos tells us about his internship at AIDER in Puerto Maldonado, Peru.

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AMEO #4: Go away, bacteria

For the “Applied Module at External Organizations” (AMEO) the 2nd semester Ecotox students complete an eight-week internship, either performed at an external university, governmental or industrial research institute to apply the competences achieved during their study. Several students used this opportunity to explore new places in Germany, others went out into the big, wide world. This time, Theo Wernicke tells us about his internship at Thor in Speyer, Germany.

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AMEO #3: Bees, bees, bees and wasps

For the “Applied Module at External Organizations” (AMEO) the 2nd semester Ecotox students complete an eight-week internship, either performed at an external university, governmental or industrial research institute to apply the competences achieved during their study. Several students used this opportunity to explore new places in Germany, others went out into the big, wide world. This time, Bianca Frombold tells us about her internship at Innovative Environmental Services (IES) in Witterswil, Switzerland.

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Discovering principles of toxicology

All good things come in threes. Besides terrestrial and aquatic ecotoxicology, human toxicology also plays a role in the master’s program Ecotoxicology. The toxicology and pharmacology lab course covers three relevant principles of human toxicology. It provides both theoretical background and hands-on experience – featuring coffee drinkers, liver and mutagenicity detectives.

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AMEO #2: Diving into the aquatic world

For the “Applied Module at External Organizations” (AMEO) the 2nd semester Ecotox students complete an eight-week internship, either performed at an external university, governmental or industrial research institute to apply the competences achieved during their study. Several students used this opportunity to explore new places in Germany, others went out into the big, wide world. This time, Elena Adams tells us about her internship at Bayer CropScience in Monheim, Germany.

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AMEO #1: The ultimate greenhouse experience

For the “Applied Module at External Organizations” (AMEO) the 2nd semester Ecotox students complete an eight-week internship, either performed at an external university, governmental or industrial research institute to apply the competences achieved during their study. Several students used this opportunity to explore new places in Germany, others went out into the big, wide world. This time, Verena Sesin tells us about her internship at Environment Canada in Ottawa, Canada.

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