Author Archives: Ve

I spy with my little eye

In this post, Alexander Feckler talks about his recently published paper “Quantitative real-time PCR as a promising tool for the detection and quantification of leaf-associated fungal species – A proof-of-concept using Alatospora pulchella”.

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EU risk assessments for pharmaceuticals overestimate dilution of effluents in receiving waters

In this post, Moritz Link reports about his recently published paper “Comparison of dilution factors for German wastewater treatment plant effluents in receiving streams to the fixed dilution factor from chemical risk assessment”.

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Video curriculum complete!

We are happy to announce: All clips of our video curriculum for the Master program in Ecotoxicology are now available on YouTube.

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Two sides of a leaf

In this post, Dominic Englert talks about their recently published paper “Does waterborne exposure explain effects caused by neonicotinoid-contaminated plant material in aquatic systems?“

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PhD position on plankton ecology and ecotoxicology at UNamur

The Lab of Environmental Ecosystem Ecology of University of Namur, Belgium, is looking for a PhD student investigating coexistence, biodiversity and functioning in plankton communities, including a focus on herbicide effects.

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Faculty positions in environmental science at Stockholm University

The Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry at Stockholm University is filling three faculty positions in Analytical Chemistry (Prof.), Environmental Chemistry (Assoc. Prof.), and Ecotoxicogenomics (Assist. Prof.).

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New JPI Waters and FACCE JPI Project on Microplastics

In this post, Mirco Bundschuh highlights the recently funded JPI (Joint Programming Initiative) project “Impacts of MicroPlastics in Agrosystems and Stream Environments (IMPASSE)” on which he is working with colleagues across Europe and from Canada.

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PhD position at WasserCluster Lunz

The limnological research institute WasserCluster Lunz in Austria is looking for a PhD student investigating effects of land use change, climate change and contaminants on benthic microbial activities and organic carbon cycling in streams.

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International Summer Academy on Spatial Ecotoxicology

From September 11 to 24, Landau’s Institute for Environmental Sciences is hosting its two-week “International Summer Academy on Spatial Ecotoxicology and Ecotoxicological Risk Assessment – Using an Open Community Approach”.

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Postdoc position at the University of Koblenz-Landau

The Working Group “Quantitative Landscape Ecology” of the University of Koblenz-Landau offers a Postdoc position focusing on statistical and spatial analysis of stressor effects on ecological communities and ecosystems.

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