Author Archives: Ve

Cosmetics as a source of microplastics for freshwater ecosystems

In this post, Gabriela Kalcikova talks about their recently published paper “Wastewater treatment plant effluents as source of cosmetic polyethylene microbeads to freshwater”.

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PhD position in Environmental Chemistry at NMBU

The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) is looking for a PhD student in environmental chemistry to identify and characterize cumulative hazard and risk of complex mixtures and multiple stressors.

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Environmental friendliness of mosquito control with Bti questioned

In this post, Carsten Brühl informs about their recently published paper “Decreasing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis sensitivity of Chironomus riparius larvae with age indicates potential environmental risk for mosquito control”.

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Open position in Ecotoxicology at Eurofins

Eurofins Agroscience Services EcoChem GmbH is looking for a scientist to perform ecotoxicological laboratory studies with non-target arthropods and soil organisms for the registration of plant protection products at their site in Niefern-Öschelbronn, Germany.

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RPCs and master theses in the team “Community Ecology & Ecotoxicology”

Are you interested in wild bees and how agricultural pesticide use might affect them? Within the team “Community Ecology & Ecotoxicology” we offer multiple theses approaching this broad topic from different angles applying an array of methods. You may investigate various questions in a research project course (RPC) or a master thesis.

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3 PostDoc positions at James Cook University

The James Cook University in Townsville, Australia, is offering three PostDoc positions in the Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research (TropWATER). Continue reading

A short pulse with long-lasting effects

In this post, Matthias Wieczorek talks about their recently published paper “Structural and functional effects of a short-term pyrethroid pulse exposure on invertebrates in outdoor stream mesocosms”.

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Young Water Researchers’ Symposium on November 24th

RWTH Aachen University is hosting the first Annual Young Water Researchers’ Symposium for PhD and advanced master’s students on November 24th, 2017. The one-day meeting aims at connecting young researchers and professionals in the area of water-related research.

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Internship at Mesocosm GmbH: A new ring test for macrophytes

The Applied Module at External Organizations (AMEO) is an 8-week internship taking place during the 2nd semester of the MSc Ecotoxicology program. Teresa and Harshada completed their AMEO at Mesocosm GmbH, a company that is specialized in higher-tier and non-standard tests. In this post, they report on their experience in conducting a macrophyte ring test.

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Open position in Aquatic Toxicology at UDE

The Department of Biology and Aquatic Ecotoxicology of University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is currently hiring a scientific assistant to investigate the input of contaminants via separate systems and their effects in flowing waters.

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