Author Archives: Ve

Costa Rica: A tropical e(coto)xperience – Part 3

In this series of posts, Carsten Brühl reports about his current trip to Costa Rica. Part 3 is all about the students Priscilla and Julian who tell us about their bat conservation efforts in agroecosystems such as banana plantations.

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Costa Rica: A tropical e(coto)xperience – Part 2

In this series of posts, Carsten Brühl reports about his current trip to Costa Rica. Part 2 is all about his host Clemens Ruepert who is an experienced environmental analytical chemist at the Regional Institute for Studies on Toxic Substances of the National University of Costa Rica.

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Costa Rica: A tropical e(coto)xperience – Part 1

In this series of posts, Carsten Brühl reports about his current trip to Costa Rica. Part 1 is all about his first impressions and what he learned about pesticide use on tropical crops such as the bananas that get shipped to Germany. Continue reading

A look at River Rhine ecology and risks – German/French SERIOR event on March 22

The German/French Graduate Academy “Security-Risk-Orientation” (SERIOR) is hosting a bilingual event “Rheingold oder Source de risque” to look at the River Rhine from a societal, economic and ecological perspective in Landau on 22 March 2018.

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How to apply for jobs in Germany? – Join our STAIR session

Learn all about the German job application process in the STAIR session “How to apply for jobs in Germany?” at University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau campus on 14 March 2018.

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PhD position in Stream Ecology

The Department of River Ecology and Conservation at Senckenberg in Gelnhausen and the Faculty of Biology at the University of Duisburg-Essen jointly offer a PhD position in stream ecology with focus on the Bavarian Forest National Park.

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Nanoparticles in the environment – Lessons learned today?

In this post, Simon Lüderwald talks about their recently accepted literature review “Nanoparticles in the environment – where do we come from, where do we go to?”.

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How can we predict the effect of multiple stressors?

In this post, Ralf Schäfer reports on their recently published paper “Advancing understanding and prediction in multiple stressor research through a mechanistic basis for null models”.

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3 PhD/Postdoc positions on biodiversity modelling at HU Berlin

The Geography Department at Humboldt University of Berlin is looking to fill two PhD and one Postdoc position on avian biodiversity modelling and global change ecology. Continue reading

Chironomid DNA metabarcoding in Bti-treated wetlands

In this post, Kathrin Theissinger talks about their recently published paper “Using DNA metabarcoding for assessing chironomid diversity and community change in mosquito controlled temporary wetlands”.

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