Nominations for Environmental Toxicology Editors (SETAC)

The SETAC Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) group is currently accepting nominations for editors with expertise in environmental toxicology, environmental chemistry, and related fields.


The SETAC, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, is committed to advancing environmental science. It promotes science-informed decision-making through collaboration, communication, education, and leadership. SETAC fosters a strong community of environmental professionals, helping bridge gaps between research and policy. The society’s mission focuses on addressing critical environmental challenges through scientific research and knowledge sharing.


The search focuses on expertise in environmental toxicology, environmental chemistry, non-chemical ecological stressors, human health related to environmental exposures, remediation and restoration, and hazard or risk assessment. In particular, individuals with knowledge of invertebrate toxicology, terrestrial toxicology, sediment toxicology, plants, bees, nanoparticles, microplastics, PFAS, and modelling are strongly encouraged to apply. These areas represent growing concerns in the environmental field, making expert input crucial for ET&C’s impact.


Editors manage the peer-review process for manuscripts submitted to ET&C. In addition, editors actively submit to the journal, advocate for it, and oversee a number of articles within their area of expertise.

On average, editors handle 5 to 10 manuscripts per year. This involves reading and evaluating submissions, managing the review process, answering author inquiries, and making decisions on submissions and revisions.

Requirements & Application

Ideal candidates have experience as authors and reviewers. Previous service on the ET&C editorial board or a similar board is highly desirable. Those with extensive reviewing and editing experience are also encouraged to apply. Strong organizational skills, timeliness, and tact are essential for this role.

To apply, please submit your or your colleagues’ resumes or CVs and the completed nomination form to the ET&C editorial office at by 15 September. For more information, contact the ET&C Editorial Office. Self-nominations are welcome.