AMEO at nEcoTox – Jule Stern (2024)

Every Summer Semester, Ecotox Master students to a 2-month internship or AMEO (Applied Module at an External Organization). Today, Jule Stern tells us about her AMEO experience at nEcoTox.

My name is Jule Stern and I completed my internship at nEcoTox in 2024. nEcoTox is a GLP-certified scientific contract laboratory that focuses on the testing of nanomaterials and is located between Albersweiler and Annweiler (Germany). They conduct not only physical-chemical analysis but also the determination of the environmental fate as well as ecotoxicological studies. This makes them a highly suitable company for an internship as a student in the master’s program “Ecotoxicology“. The company can be easily reached by train and bus from Landau but it is also possible to get there by bike over a short distance.

My internship took place from May to July with an overall 12 weeks duration. I had the pleasure to have my own project – the internal establishment and validation of the OECD guideline 233 (Sediment-Water Chironomid Life-Cycle Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment). Therefore, my first task was to organize and plan not only the complete test but also the culture of Chironomus riparius.

Chironomid culture

After organizing all needed materials, writing a study plan and establishing a working culture in the laboratory, I was able to conduct the test following OECD 233. Therefore, first instar Chironomus riparius larvae were placed into beakers, containing sediment spiked with Carbamazepine (an anticonvulsant and analgesic drug) as well as ASTM medium. After their emergence, the adult midges were placed into breeding cages where they mated and laid eggs. OECD 233 contains not only the exposure of the first generation of Chironomidae but also the second one. Resulting in approximately 44 days of study duration. In addition to my own project, I got the chance to get insights into other studies and tests going on, for example, acute Daphnia manga, as well as algae tests. Additionally, I was a part of the weekly team meetings.

The whole team received me extremely friendly and after the first few days, I already felt like a member of the team. During daily lunch breaks together, I really enjoyed the interesting discussions and exchanges with all the team members. The founder of nEcoTox as well as further members of the company graduated at the RPTU, showing us students what a possible path could look like after graduation. Overall, I can highly recommend an internship at nEcoTox. I felt very welcome and learned a lot, especially what it really means to be responsible for the organization and conduction of an ecotoxicological test and was able to get an insight into the economic side of Ecotoxicology.