PhD fellowship in Applied Statistics at University of Copenhagen

The University of Cogenhagen is offering a PhD fellowship in dynamic statistical modeling of toxic effects in herbicide exposed plants. The position is expected to start on 1st October, 2022.

The main focus of the PhD project will be on extending existing dose-response models for univariate data to different types of multivariate data, incorporating the time perspective of toxicity development.

The key challenges are :-

1) To develop dose-response models applicable to data from complex hierarchical designs.

2) To test and develop statistical models for toxic effects in time.

3) To test and develop models for dynamic exposure data.

The solution to these challenges rely on nonlinear optimization, mixed-effects models, the use of differential equations to incorporate the time aspect and a combination of all. Exploration and validation of the developed methodology to real experimental data and implementation is an important aspect of the project.

Candidates should hold a degree in statistics, mathematics, environmental modeling, or environmental toxicology with flair and interest in statistics and data science. The applicant should also be prepared to do some experimental work to produce own data.

Application deadline: 6th June 2022

Further information on the position can be found on the official website of the University:-